Unexpected Societal Influence on Girls of Color
“i found god in myself,and i loved her,i loved her fiercely”― Ntozake Shange
My favorite book/play for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf by Ntozake Shange, is the perfect masterpiece to address issues a black,hispanic,asian, and indian woman face in our society.There are times where we find it hard to find who we are in our society. More specifically women trying to find themselves can be difficult. In the choreopoem for colored girls,the ladies with specific colors are embodied in the exact same struggle. They are lacking self identity, finding love in the wrong places, getting involved in toxic relationships and ending in unwanted pregnancies. Beginning with the Lady in Brown who have conquered her battles, but still want to help the other girls conquer theirs.She portrays a more older and wiser woman,that had to battle with self identity, but yet has grown and learned from within herself. She has gone through many phases from a teenage girl to womanhood. But she feels her mission isn’t done yet, she wants to help these other ladies cross their own rainbows and heal from their battles. I feel like this represents, Ntozake Shange. She has crossed over her rainbow, she has begun to live life. She is not allowing setbacks and failures to control her future.But for her to write this choreopoem, sheds light that we can conquer our demons.I’ll now turn to the lady in orange,who is trying to find love in all the wrong places.A lady is trying to find love among men, that only last for one night. Not realizing she has to find self love first, before someone else can properly love her.“when she finished writin,the account of her exploit in a diary,embroidered with lilies & moonstones,she placed the rose behind her ear & cried herself to sleep.” Ntozake Shange for colored girls who have considered suicide /when the rainbow is enuf Crying herself to sleep is the only way, that blocks her from dealing with her own problems.Next,the Lady in Red is determined to love someone,but when love is lost, she has to regain herself and keep moving on with life. “You were always inconsistent,doin somethin & then bein sorry,beatin my heart to death!”- Ntozake Shange. This represents a romantic lover who would go all out for her unappreciative man. She has tried to love him, but he is determined to find love somewhere else.She has become sick and tired of the disrespect, she is sick and tired of the man’s false apologies. She is ready to move on with life and enjoy it.Finally,the Lady in Blue represents emotions that have never been shown when a woman gets an abortion. “legs spread / anxious,” feeling the “eyes crawling up in me / eyes rollin in my thighs / metal horses gnawing my womb” -Ntozake Shange .This shows a vivid image of how she feels different emotions, in the secluded area that she is in while getting an abortion.She is alone going through the emotional trauma, after killing her child.Ntozake Shange shows a vulnerable woman, that feels like she is not wanted, she feels unclean, is embarrassed by her actions. Ntozake Shange’s message was clear. We need to first find ourselves from within, love who we are and embrace it. Not be ashamed of our mistakes and failures, but to learn from it. To enjoy life and not dwell on our past, but to come together and put our differences aside and support one another.