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Mental Illness in the Black Communities.

Glenn Close once said “ It is an odd paradox that a society, which can now speak openly and unabashedly about topics that were once unspeakable, still remains largely silent when it comes to mental illness.” Many blacks in our communities suffer from mental illness, but you wouldn’t know. Because, we are so accustomed to being strong the topic mental illness is a taboo in our communities. Mental Illness in the black communities, have been viewed as a taboo, many view it will never happen to anyone they know. Many don’t understand that it is not a curse or demons, but an illness that affects the whole body. Many don’t provide the support these people need, but usually portrays a more judgmental atmosphere.Mental Illness needs to be talked about in the household. Being educated and knowing what to do can help many.It begins within the household.This topic needs to be discussed within the household, we tend to push away the topic and not sit down and address the problem. We view mental illness as if it’s a foreign topic, and we don’t suffer from it. Not realizing someone is continuously battling with a mental illness within your family and they need people around them to help them cope. Without the knowledge within the family, there is no way we can come together and conquer this as a community. How the church perceives mental illness needs to change, it’s not always just “pray about it” or “you just need to get closer to God.” When speaking on the topic “church and mental illness”,not a lot address the issue and if they do it’s to a certain extent.They think it's something that can be prayed on and it will go away. If someone is special or has autism they recognize it. But if it's something like depression or anxiety they don't.The church doesn’t realize that it’s an everyday battle and not something you just pray about and believe the issue has been resolved. The church needs to realize it’s something bigger than a few scriptures, the person battling their illness needs professional help. The church needs to more understanding than just brushing it aside, like another phase in someone life. Solutions that us as a community can help others who deal with mental illness.Talk Openly about Mental Illness- try to hold conversations among family, friends, and people around your neighborhood. Bring awareness and knowledge among each other. Be conscious how you are approaching someone who deals with mental illness. Try not to say “get over it” or “ people have it worse than you” etc.Show empathy on people who deal with mental illness.Try not to see the illness, but the person you are with. - Many already have problems coping by themselves, try to be of help and not make them feel like they are odd or out of place.Start groups among your community, have therapist come and speak in your area. Spread the word among each other. Mental illness is not something that should be taken lightly, it is a silent death killer. We need to bring awareness among each other, and not bash but help those that suffer cope with their illness.


Houston, TX, USA

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